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Parliament Fails to Address the Paraka Saga and Incomplete Justice, Misleading the People of Papua New Guinea.

Questions were raised in Parliament by the Member for Sinasina Yongomugl, Honorable Kerenga Kua, regarding the actions of Hon. James Marape, Mr Jacob Yafai, and Mr Paul Paraka in a theft case involving K162 million. Kua questioned why Hon. Marape has not been arrested and charged since 2017, expressing concerns about potential suppression of the case and seeking assurance that the Prime Minister will be treated like any other citizen.
(Picture: Hon. Kerenga Kua, MP.)

Parliament Fails to Address the Paraka Saga and Incomplete Justice, Misleading the People of Papua New Guinea.

Questions were raised in Parliament by the Member for Sinasina Yongomugl, Honorable Kerenga Kua, regarding the actions of Hon. James Marape, Mr Jacob Yafai, and Mr Paul Paraka in a theft case involving K162 million. Kua questioned why Hon. Marape has not been arrested and charged since 2017, expressing concerns about potential suppression of the case and seeking assurance that the Prime Minister will be treated like any other citizen.

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Hon. James Marape raised a point of order regarding the matter currently before the courts, however, the Speaker mistakenly agreed with his statement, despite it not being accurate.

The notorious lawyer and serial litigator and fraudstar of papua new guinea, mr. paul paraka. 
(Mr. Paul Paraka who is currently serving 20 years in Prison)

 The questions raised by the esteemed Member for Sinasina Yongomugl are brought to public attention for consideration. 


21 February 2024 

 Mr Speaker, this question is directed to the Minister for Police Hon. Peter Tsiamalili. In case some-one thinks the matter is sub judice, I want to make it clear that it is not. 

Whilst Mr Paraka, and Mr Yafai are in Court and their matters are sub judice, Mr Marape is not in Court so I can ask questions on his conduct in what is now proven to be a crime. The question concerns the actions in 2012 of Hon. 

James Marape in his then capacity as Minister for Finance, former Deputy Secretary of Finance Mr Jacob Yafai and Mr Paul Paraka, a lawyer. Mr Paraka for his involvement was arrested, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to 20 years in jail. 

The crime was a theft of K162m by Paraka from the State. The K162m was paid out by Mr Yafai to Mr Paraka on the strength of 2x written instructions or directions from Hon. James Marape to Mr Yafai. 

Mr Yafai was arrested, charged, and is going through a criminal trial in the National Court at the moment. Mr Marape is not in Court yet so his matter is not sub judice. So I can ask my questions. The only remaining individual not arrested is the Hon. James Marape. 

Mr Marape facilitated all the payments to Paraka Lawyers through: 

1. A letter he wrote to Mr Steven Gibson as Secretary of Finance dated 3rd October 2012, and 

2. A Written endorsement to Secretary Gibson dated 5th October 2012. Mr Speaker, Mr Marape applied to both the National Court and the Supreme Court for injunctions against the Police from arresting him and was rejected by all the Courts in all cases, the last Supreme Court Dismissal in 2017. 

So my questions are: 

1. Your Mr Manning has been Police Commissioner for the last 4 years or so, and why has he not arrested and charged Hon. Marape since 2017? and 

2. Does his silence or lack of progress mean that he is actively suppressing the progression of this matter and protecting the PM? 

3. Are you as Police Minister going to condone and connive this lack of action? and 

4. If not, what assurance will you give to the people of PNG that the Police Commissioner and his policemen treat the Prime Minister in the same way as any other ordinary citizen? and 

5. Whether our people will see the expedition of the matter of the arrest of the Prime Minister in connection with the theft of K162m of people’s money? 

I also seek leave to tender to Parliament the above two documents. 

Thank you Mr Speaker. 

KERENGA KUA, OL, CMG, MP Member for Sinasina Yongomugl.


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