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The Transformative Leadership of Hon. James Marape: A Revolutionary Indigenous Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

Image of the prime minister of papua new guinea, hon. james marape delivering speech
PNG Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape


A commentary by: Nason Mul Solo ( Political Analyst)

PM Marape is the Prime MINISTER of a country with huge geographical landmass at 462,840 km2 (178,704 sq mi),  is the world's 54th-largest country and the third-largest island country with the population of more than 9 million people  with diversity in culture and languages .

PM Marape took office in 2019  as the 8th Prime Minister after a successful vote of no confidence against former PM Peter O'Neill. 

Marape wasted no time to come up with the national goal of taking back its resources from foreign conglomerates and political syndicate who robbed the country diverse resources for decades .

I was personally convinced by his selfless speech during the national repentance day in 2019. PM Marape publicly announced curse upon politicians, including himself , CEOs , MDs, Secretaries, and public servants who use public office for their personal gain . PM Marape made the declaration in front of thousands of people at the John Guise Stadium. 

That was a sign of patriotic leadership. He wasted no time to come up with important legislative reformation on corruption such as ICAC, Wistle Blower, and the Unexplained wealth accumulation Act.

For the first time in the country political history, PM Marape allows for  media freedom. His transformative and evolutionary leadership came to play when he pledged to TAKE BACK PNG economically and make it a first back Richest nation on earth .

Comparatively, PM Marape stood out to be a smart, innovative, transformative, and modern-day revolutionary leader with well vested knowledge on global geopolitics, globalization, trade, technological & economical Revolution  and of course PNG politics. 

Below are some of the significant achievements by PM Marape Government:

From public administration and policy context, PANGU led Marape Government has mooted Public Policy Framework to amend the colonial/outdated to Acts of Parliament:

Let me name them for the sake of public information:

1:Mining Act (as amended) 2020,

2: Petroleum Act (as amended) 2020,

3: Energy Act (as amended) 2020,

4: Forestry Act (as amended) 2020,

5: Fishery Act (as amended) 2020,

6: Agriculture Act (as amended ) 2020,

7: LNG Act (as amended) 2020,

8: LNG Regulations 2020,

9: SME/SMEC (Act) 2020 and SME/SMEC Regulations 2020

These laws are ready for Parliament Bill hearing.

PM Marape wants an equal share of his country resources. He fought hard so that his people would benefit equally.

From Somare,  Chan,  Wingti,  Namaliu,  Skate,  Mourta, O'Neill, and now Marape.  We value and know their contributions to the development of our beautiful country. 

Apart from the 7 former Prime Minister’s,   Honroable James Marape rose to PM at the back of popular demand that after 8 years at helm,Peter O’Neill was leading the country into the wrong direction where foreign interest , greed and corruption where cabinet processes were merely used to sanction pre-cooked schemes for the benefit of the ruling class.

It has been a tough year office for PMJM, running a run-down economy and government amidst continual political plays and Global Pandemic Corona Virus and the recent Ukraine Russia War.

Despite all these challenges, the Pangu led Marape Government has achieved significant things in a short period of time.

For those those who want to know what Marape government achieves within the 3 years, I will highlight some significant achievements. 

These are the achievements of Marape Government:

1: Nationalization of economic resources Laws.

We have seen that the Pangu led MARAPE government has achieved a significant deal on  project negotiations.

No government thought of changing the outdated laws on oil, gas, and mining.  Pangu led Marape government did.

Porgera ,  Pasca offshore projects agreements, and  Papua LNG  projects agreements  are some significant achievements we must appreciate. 

In 2021, the new Porgera Mine Agreement was sealed at 51% equity shares for Papua New Guinea. That 40% plus increment from the first SML. 

The beauty about that negotiations was that the same Mining Act that allows Barrick to mine gold in Porgera over the last 3 decades was used to acquire successfully the 51% stake in the new Porgera Agreement with Barrick.

On the 22nd day of February,  2022, Papua New Guinea signs P'nyang LNG Project. The third LNG after PNG LNG that was negotiated for 49% equity and Papua LNG negotiated at 51%. But the P’nyang LNG is negotiated at a staggering 63% take.

This is a massive win in the ‘Gaining Greater from our Natural Resources’. This is benchmark negotiations going into the future.

Pangu led Marape  Government came into Office declaring to get more for our resources, and he had effectively secured 53% for Porgera Gold Mine and 63% from P’nyang LNG Project.

It demonstrates that pangu government can negotiate with super major companies in equal footing as owners of resources getting over 50% share of the project pie.

2: Rurual Connect PNG infrastructure policy

We have seen that under the Pangu government connect, PNG over K4 billion has been released to connect roads in all rural parts of PNG. The Sepik highway,  Gulf Hela, and Maramui roads are a few examples. More roads will be connected. 

3:  Free education and free heath care with the establishment of major regional hospitals. 

Under Pangu led Marape Government, we have free education and free health care with the establishment of major regional and provincial hospitals. 

That is something no government has done before . Central and Gulf People are the first recipients. 

4: 10 % GST CUT

No government has ever done this since independence, despite high inflationary of the 1990s and high inflation of early 2000s,  and the 7% averages of Oniel 8 years of being in power, no government has ever slashed GST, Marape and Ian Ling-Stuckey government did it.

5: Fighting Corruption

We have witnessed historic amendments on corruption laws, including ICAC , whistle-blower, and unknown wealth accumulation acts.   On the global corruption index, for the first time, PNG rank 124 out of 180. Pangu government has achieved significant things in a period of time. 

PM James Marape fullfill his promise to the country to proceed Crimes Acts to follow trials of those who accumulate wealth illegally. 

Bill was passed by 60 faithful MPs as 10th Parliament rises for election.  Marape is the first PM to get these Anti corruption laws passed. 

PM Marape is truly a man of his words . Unlike other power-hungry politicians, Marape announced publicly during his rally at Tari  that he will resign from politics if his Pangu government is  not invited by Governor General to form Government  .

After the 2022 national general election, the people of PNG have given the mandate through 38 Pangu Mps. MP Marape broke a record in any westminister Parliamentary system forming the 11th government on unopposed election victory. 

PM Marape has travelled the world in just a week for important state visits.

It's significant that the dreams and the aspirations of the country are shared widely with the international community and make the country a significant role player in establishing and strengthening ties. Exposure for that matter is also important for trade and investment.

Below are the highlights of these significant visits. Not all but few you should be informed of at the moment.


Attended the Queen's funeral. Met the crowned King and had his words to be part of the country's 50th Jubilee Celebrations. On the 16th of September 2025, King Charles III will be in Papua New Guinea.

United States.

Represented the country at the UN's 77th General Assembly. Made quite a statement - PNG can feed the world. Many may not understand this but, bilaterally the Prime Minister did well in telling the world the position of strength for the country. You don't show up weak, and Prime Minister did well. The world knows we can feed the world, and that's something for us to work and make them believe more.


Strengthened the long-term relationship. Even got help from the Government of Australia in building Rugby League in the country and preparing the NRL Bid for 2025.


Attended late Abe's funeral. Met the new Prime Minister Hon. Fumio Kashida. Held talks on energy security and trade between the two countries. Invited Sojitz Corporation to invest in the upstream and downstream processing of the LNG Project. Many others are not mentioned.

The United States

Now he's on a three day US - Pacific Island Country Summit. Issues on trade and economics, climate change, and security will definitely be the main discussions.

PM Marape has a dream. That dream is not his personal but for the nation to work on.

Let's all work together to realize this team. PM Marape is just a human being like us. All the public servants must work collaboratively with honesty and accountability.

Ordinary people must venture into SMEs and agriculture.  Together, we can take back PNG economically. 

God bless Papua New Guinea 


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