The Endless Battle: Fighting Corruption in Papua New Guinea
by John Endemongo Kua
The Israeli - Palestine conflict is probably the most documented case of human wickedness over thousands of years.
The story of David vs Goliath has ironically twisted in favour of the Philistines with two despicable and ugly characters who live miles apart and yet fight a war against humanity that is unforgiving by the entire human race.
At the present moment there are two people that we want to gun down on sight and they are Joe Biden the president of the United States of America and Benjamin Netanyahu who is the prime minister of Israel.
If Adolf Hitler was hated for sending 6 million jews to the gas chambers in Auschwitz and Treblinka in an act of rage and madness in the second world war both Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu are wanted criminals for the death of innocent man, women and children who have been been bombed into dust mercilessly by the Israeli and US defence forces as the entire human race wails and protest from their homes to the public streets and the halls of power such as the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
The government of the USA is known for bullying the world over the last 100 years and continue to do so today even when the people of America protest against the action of the government.
It has become apparent that the government is not of the people, by the people and for the people as in the words of the most benign and famous USA president - Abraham Lincoln. Government administration is manipulated by the evil named mammon in biblical terms or money.
The love of money has become the root of evil all over the world as human lives are desecrated and trampled upon mercilessly for the love of money. Our preacher man prime minister and the other prime minister's and presidents of the peaceful Pacific nations had voted for the US - Israel alliance to continue the murder of the Palestinians all for the love of money.
In this world of evil the people of South Africa and their government and their president had shone as liberators of the human race, following the legacy of Nelson Mandela whose legacy would only be second to Jesus Christ the son of God.
I wonder if the dust has settled in the mind of our prime minister who so happens to be a religious zealot without compassion for humanity which is dangerous as religious wars are responsible for the death of innocent people over the ages.
Without compassion for humanity we are doomed as a nation and we have a prime minister who has demonstrated again and again that he is a moron without any respect for human dignity and will sell us and our nation to the highest bidder at any given time for the love money.
His fly by night trips to Singapore to strike deals with MNCs tells us that he is corrupt beyond redemption and the people of Papua New Guinea must rise up in protest to demand his resignation from office for all his corrupt practices and must face the full brunt of the law.
John Endemongo Kua.
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